Sunday, January 29, 2012

"It's Time"

Tomorrow is the first day of practice for the 2012 College Baseball Season!  This is always one of the best days out of all 365 days on the calendar.  Everybody that begins a season has high hopes of team and individual success, but where there is team success, there is a tremendous amount of individual success.

Success in college athletics comes in many different ways.  In addition to the challenges of winning games and championships, relationships that develop among team members are nothing short of spectacular!  That happens as a result of team members respecting each other, caring about each other, and putting the team ahead of themselves.

When each team member can take an unselfish attitude into each day's practice and each game, and tries to be the greatest teammate he can possibly be, a team has a much better chance of achieving goals and enjoying every step in the season's journey.  Most of us coaches have certain words and phrases or ideas that we talk to our teams about regularly.  One thing I like to remind our pitchers every season is to try to give everything of themselves, and expect nothing in return. Daily attitudes similar to this among a group can lead to exciting experiences.

I can't wait to get out there for tomorrow's first practice.  As my friend, Coach Tim  Bauer would say, "It's time!!"

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